Case Study: ‘Marwa’

Jules Powis
1 min readJun 17, 2021

Copy written for Citizens Advice

“All my support was gone, I had no money for food. My mental health was really bad,” says Marwa*.

Two years into her university course and Marwa had become an asylum seeker. Civil unrest in her home country meant that her student funding was terminated and returning home became too dangerous.

Exchanging her Student Visa for Asylum Seeker status meant Marwa was forced to give up her part-time job, but months later she still hadn’t received any financial support.

Relying on the goodwill of a student friend for accommodation, Marwa had been living on leftovers from her host’s catering job. When Coronavirus restrictions began, it left her with no food.

Marwa called Citizens Advice for help. Our adviser Rachael spoke to her and found an extremely anxious woman who felt like she was out of options.

Rachel arranged for an immediate food bank voucher. She then made sure that Marwa was getting help for her mental health and referred her to specialist asylum agencies.

Marwa is still waiting to receive an Asylum Seeker allowance. In the meantime Rachel is supporting her and helping her obtain a small grant to keep her going.

“Every time I call Citizens Advice I get help — they’re amazing,” says Marwa.

*not her real name



Jules Powis

I’ve written for BBC radio, science podcasts and video journalism plus online content for a wide range of clients in both the commercial and public sector.